- Get about 5 hours of sleep tonight.
- Spend the whole next day doing something, no R&R for you today.
- At about midnight go out and watch a meteor shower until 4 in the morning.
- Next, decide to go on a road trip to LA that night.
- Have everyone go home and pack and leave for LA about 6 in the morning.
- Stop and get coffee.
- You will get to LA around noon or 1 in the afternoon.
- Drive around for about an hour to find a parking spot.
- Spend the whole day at the beach, and this is the important part. DO NOT SLEEP.
- Then eat a frozen banana while watching the sun set.
- Stop and get coffee again.
- Leave LA around 8 to head back to Phoenix.
- Wait until you pass through Blythe and cross into AZ.
- Now the fun begins. As your vision starts to blur in and out, you should start to see the lights on semis in front of you start to turn in to different shapes and objects.
- Hallucinations! Awesome!
And there you have it, it's that simple!
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